NAME THAT TUNE – Guess That Song Game with note cube

5 pages (color/black-and-white visuals and instructions)

$3.00 NAME THAT TUNE Guess the Song Game with note cube: Primary Music Singing Time Activities to Motivate Children to Sing, download from GospelGrabBag.comDESCRIPTION: Children will be using their thinking caps after they try to name the song after hearing only 3 to 5 notes. Pick from a list of provided well-known songs and name that tune!

OBJECTIVE: Use this activity to help children listen carefully to recognize favorite Primary songs and hymns. Use the block to name the number of notes the pianist plays (hints of the song).


  1. Cut out the Name That Tune label and mount it on a wide-neck bottle or container.
  2. Cut out the Primary song wordstrips and enclose in the bottle or container. Note: Select songs they are familiar with.
  3. Cut out the block and fold and tape together. You can fill the block with cotton balls to add weight.


  1. Have children take turns drawing a tune (song title) from the bottle or box and handing the paper to the pianist.
  2. The child drawing the song keeps it a secret.
  3. Then that child rolls the block to identify the number of notes the pianist plays as clues. 
  4. The pianist plays that number of notes and the children try to guess the song.
  5. The child who guesses the song correctly comes up to draw the next song. If no one guesses the song after three tries, the child who drew the song chooses another child to come up and draw a song.
  6. If time allows, sing a few of the songs.
LDS Primary Singing Time, Fun Song Activities, “Name that Tune” listen for song favorites, Music leader, sharing time, family home evening

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