$3.00 FAMILY HISTORY: Activity Days: Learning and Living the Gospel, Goal 8 Invitation, Activity: MEET MY ANCESTORS SPOTLIGHT – learn and tell about your ancestors

Use For: CHURCH and HOME children and youth activities


Learning and Living the Gospel –
Goal 8

Meet My Ancestors
Spotlight and journal

(Part 1 of 1):
Prepare a pedigree chart with your name and your parents’ and grandparents’ names. Prepare a family group record for your family. Share a family story. Discuss how performing temple work blesses families.

Theme: Temple Work Can Bless My Family

Invite Activity Days youth to this activity using invitation.

Give youth the invitation ahead of time (available in book – see below).

“Meet My Ancestors” Spotlight (learn and tell about your ancestors).

1. Print and color the Spotlight of My Ancestor.
2. Bring this completed form to Activity Days, and spotlight the ancestor of your choice, telling their story.
3. If you have a scrapbook or additional pictures of ancestors, bring them to show and tell about who’s who in your Family History or Book of Remembrance.

SUCCESS SNACK:(Grandma’s Cookie Jar Remembrance). Bake cookies or bring baked cookies for a cookie exchange. Put some in a cookie jar and talk about the traditional “grandma’s cookie jar” usually filled with cookies to give to grandchildren when they come to visit. As you eat, share what you like about your grandparents and tell a story about them. Then take a few cookies to your grandparents if they live close, and ask them to share some of their stories. Record these stories in your journal with the intention to pass them on to your children.

Prepare a pedigree chart with your name and your parents’ and grandparents’ names. Prepare a family group record for your family. Share a family story. Discuss how performing temple work blesses families.
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FAMILY HISTORY: Activity Days – Learning and Living the Gospel – Goal 8, create a pedigree chart and discuss temple work

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