YOUTH LESSON ACTIVITY. HOME IS HEAVENLY When I’m a Peacemaker tent-card. Youth can read out loud the following: I am a peacemaker because • I show love and understanding. • I avoid criticism. • I return good for evil. • I am considerate and unselfish. • I pray and listen to the promptings of the Holy Ghost.

$1.75 LESSON LIFESAVER Activity for Primary and Home lessons, family home evening, Young Women

Use for COME FOLLOW ME Young Women, Young Men, Seminary, Family Home Evening, Primary and Home lessons, or Activity Days


 Home is Heavenly peacemaker tent-card

 Tent Card names areas to be a peacemaker. Youth can take this 
tent-card home and share with their family, asking for help in making their home a peaceful place to live. 

Home is heavenly when I'm a peacemaker. tent-card
HOVER OVER or ZOOM IN (to view)


In class divide youth into five groups, pairing off in two or more to talk privately about how each can be a peacemaker in these five areas (shown on the tent card), e.g., “I am a peacemaker because I show love and understanding.”

Assign each group one of these areas to report on. Give each person five minutes and ask each to report how she plans to use this idea to be a peacemaker (e.g., “I will listen to my brother as he tells me about his day”).

TO MAKE Print activity in color or black and white.

Thought Treats for lesson activitiesTHOUGHT TREAT: Peacemaker Cookies. Make a batch of sugar cookies and take to a young woman who may have been offended somehow or who needs to be fellowshipped. The girls will know who it can be. Option: They could sit on the doorstep with this young woman and share some of the cookies they made, as they talk, giving her a separate plate wrapped up especially for her.

Mutual Night Activities - Come Follow Me, Young Women, Lesson Activities, Young Adult Activities, GospelGrabBag.comMUTUAL NIGHT ACTIVITIES

PEACEFUL PUZZLE: Encourage youth to think about developing peace within as they create a puzzle with pictures drawn of peaceful actions, or as they read the following quotes to remind them to develop good habits that bring feelings of peace. “The chains of habit are generally too small to be felt until they are too strong to be broken (Samuel Johnson).” “Better keep yourself clean and bright; you are the window through which you must see the world (George Bernard Shaw).”

PEACEMAKER PEBBLE: Give each youth a pebble with the following note and challenge them to be a peacemaker, helping their entire family to feel peace when they are around.

PEBBLE PROMISE: This week I will look at this pebble and remember to be a peacemaker. When a pebble is tossed into a pool of water, it creates a ripple, making larger and larger circles, showing how this one pebble’s influence is widespread. My one action of being a peacemaker can affect my entire family. I will be a peacemaker.

SEE VIDEO For Peace at Home By Elder Richard G. Scott Of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles (share video below).
He said, “One of the greatest blessings we can offer to the world is the power of a Christ-centered home where the gospel is taught, covenants are kept, and love abounds.”

SEE VIDEO Establishing a Christ-Centered Home, Richard J. Maynes, Of the Seventy (share video below)
He said, “We understand and believe in the eternal nature of the family. This understanding and belief should inspire us to do everything in our power to establish a Christ-centered home.”


ACTIVITY: Home is Heavenly peacemaker tent card – Subjects: Christ-centered home, Peacemaker, Strengthen Family

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