YOUTH LESSON ACTIVITY. DRUG-FREE ME! word finds puzzle.  Resisting drugs can be a challenge. Black out the Xs. Cross out the drugs. Identify the reasons for drug involvement*. DRUGS: marijuana, tobacco, caffeine, LSD, cocaine, crack, alcohol, heroin, barbiturates, amphetamines, and diet pills. *REASONS: peer pressure, escape, immaturity, availability, advertising appeal.

LESSON LIFESAVER Activity Drug-Free Me! word find puzzle

GREAT FOR CHILDREN & YOUTH: Primary, family home evening, Sunday School, Seminary

Drug-Free Me! word find puzzle

$1.75 LESSON LIFESAVER Activity for Come Follow Me – Young Women or Teens, family home evening, Sunday School, Seminary, LDS printables to download
HOVER OVER or ZOOM IN (to view)

Follow the puzzle instructions and write ways you plan to resist taking drugs.

~ Drugs Found on Puzzles: marijuana, tobacco, caffeine, LSD, cocaine, crack, alcohol, heroin, barbiturates, amphetamines, diet pills.
~ Reasons for Drug Involvement:
peer pressure, escape, immaturity, availability, advertising appeal.

TO MAKE Print activity in color or black and white.

Mutual Night Activities - Come Follow Me, Young Women, Lesson Activities, Young Adult Activities, GospelGrabBag.comMUTUAL NIGHT, SUNDAY SCHOOL, SEMINARY, OR FAMILY HOME VENING ACTIVITIES

DRUGS QUESTION AND ANSWER SESSION: Have a qualified police officer (e.g., from the DARE Program) come in and talk to youth about drugs. Have a question and answer brainstorm before the officer comes, with one or two youth presenting these questions. Encourage youth to ask questions there. Bake a plate of yummy but healthful treats for the officer with a note of appreciation signed by youth.

QUICK TREAT IDEAS: Make a poster warning against drugs, using candy bars (e.g., Create “Joy”—Keep Off Drugs [Almond Joy bar]. Young Men Note: If young men are invited to activity, give them a Big Hunk candy bar with note: Be a Big Hunk and say no to drugs.
     Or, if you want to go totally healthy serve fruit (knowing sugar is 6-8 times the addiction as cocane – See 2017 book “Bright Line Eating”).

In his talk Love of Right, Elder Marvin J. Ashton asked, “What causes a strong, lovely, vibrant young person to allow a chemical to control his or her behavior?” (See Conference Report, Apr. 1971, p. 13; or Ensign, June 1971, p. 30). More Ideas – See Lesson 39 Young Women Manual 1.

Discuss with youth reasons why some misuse drugs. Reasons might include:
1. Peer pressure (wanting acceptance to gain or maintain popularity),
2. Escape (temporary feeling of well-being), immaturity (curious, bored, rebelling, or want to appear older),
3. Availability (easily obtained so they seem acceptable), and
4. Advertising appeal (ads with prosperous healthy-looking people make drugs seem acceptable). 

SHOW VIDEO: – A Brand New Year: Physical health – The Lord has commanded us to take good care of our bodies. This involves eating nutritious food, exercising regularly, and getting enough sleep. In this video, youth from around the world talk about staying healthy and obeying the Word of Wisdom. (7:28)



• FEBRUARY Lesson 7 “Why should I treat my body like a temple?” 

• NOVEMBER Lesson 5 “Why does the Lord want me to be healthy?” 

$1.75 February Lesson 7 Come Follow Me "Why should I treat my body like a temple?" ACTIVITY: Drug Free Me! puzzle,, Young Women handouts
$1.75 November Lesson 5 Come Follow Me "Why does the Lord want me to be healthy?" ACTIVITY: Drug Free Me! puzzle, Young Women handouts,
Word of Wisdom – My Body is a Temple: LESSON LIFESAVERS Activity: Drug Free Me! word find puzzle, Come Follow Me

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