$2.00 CTR (Choose the Right) Songs Singing Cube singing meter: Primary Music Singing Time Activities to Motivate Children to Sing, download from GospelGrabBag.com

CTR (Choose The Right) SINGING-CUE CUBES choose the right song, name-that-tune, singing commands

5 pages (color/black-and-white visuals and instructions)

DESCRIPTION: TO HELP CHILDREN NAME THAT TUNE/SONG, children roll the die to tell the pianist how many notes to play or song leader which words to sing, e.g., FIRST WORDS, LAST WORDS, IN THE MIDDLE, etc.

Then have children help sing the first verse of the song they named.

To Make: Print, color, cut out, and laminate blocks*. Fold and glue or tape together.

*The Block’s Size. One side of the cube measures 2 1/4 inches on all sides, so the die/cube would be 2 1/4 X 2 1/4 inches. You could enlarge it by 132% on an 11×17 paper to get a 3″ cube if you wanted it bigger.

To Use: Roll both dice at the same time to: (1) Select a NUMBER, and (2) select NOTES or WORDS. As the pianist plays or song leader sings, they are giving children clues as to the song so they can name that tune or choose the right song.

NUMBER: Tell the pianist or leader how many notes to play or sing.

NOTES: Tell the pianist to play notes.

WORDS: Tell the song leader which words to sing: first words, words in the middle, or last words.

Examples of Singing Commands:
1. If a child throws a number 3 and Notes, the pianist will play 3 notes of a song.

2. If a child throws a number 4 and First Words, then, a leader can sing the first four words of a song. If it is Words in the Middle, they sing four words in the middle, or Last Words, sing four of the last words of the song.

LDS Primary Singing Time, Fun Song Activities, CTR Singing-cue Cubes, Music leader, sharing time, family home evening

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