CHILDREN’S LESSON ACTIVITY. AMMON THE MISSIONARY “script”ure scene. As children act out the scene where Ammon is tending the king’s sheep. What happened when the robbers came to steal the sheep? Would the shepherds in charge be killed by the king if the sheep were stolen? Yes. So, Ammon went after the robbers and cut off their arms, taking them back to the king to show there were actually robbers. Ammon then became a great missionary as the king was willing to listen.

Ammon the Missionary (“Script”ure Scene) #BookofMormon

USE FOR: COME FOLLOW ME, Primary and Home (family home evening), Activity Days, Sunday School, Seminary, Book of Mormon study


Ammon the Missionary (“Script”ure Scene)

 Help children act out the story of Ammon as a missionary saving the King’s sheep to use as a missionary tool to teach others about The Book of Mormon.
The lesson helps children to help others learn about Jesus.

$1.75 Little LESSON LIFESAVER Activity for Come Follow Me PRIMARY and HOME – Family Home Evening
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ACTIVITY: Ammon the Missionary “Script”ure Scene
Help children act out the story or script found in the “script”ure Alma 17:17-25, using the triangle mini-scenes to show how Ammon was a missionary. Begin by saying Ammon was a great servant and a great missionary. Talk about how we can be a missionary today by serving others.

1. Using cardstock paper, print or copy, color, and cut out the scene that follows for each child.
2. Fold and glue where indicated.

3. Tie a long piece of yarn through stand-up images for children to take home (as shown).

VIDEO IF FIRST MISSION CALL: Show the following video that shows Jesus calling His disciples to be missionaries.


THOUGHT TREAT #1: Door-to-Door Trail Mix. Healthy fruits, cereal, seeds, and nuts make a quick snack for Ammon as he tends King Lamoni’s sheep or for today’s missionary “tract”ing door to door. As you eat, talk about ways you could tell others about Jesus Christ.

THOUGHT TREAT: CTR-A Lesson 11, First Mission Call - Follow Me, and I will make you fishers of men, gospelgrabbagTHOUGHT TREAT #2: Click to print: TREAT BAG LABEL (load bag with fish crackers or gummy fish and attach note) For Primary CTR-A Lesson 11 – 1st MISSION CALL – Text reads: 1st MISSION CALL: Jesus said, “Follow Me, and I will make you fishers of men.” (Matt 4:18-22)

LESSON IDEAS (for the above activity):

Present Lesson 11 – Primary 2 Manual – CTR-A: I Can Tell Others about Jesus Christ. Review the scripture story and discussion (p. 51) in the manual for which the above activity illustrates.

$7.99 - BOOK OF MORMON Quiz-bee, 28 stories and 195 questions and answers deck/game, Ammon, a Great Servant,
HOVER OVER or ZOOM IN (to view)

SEE STORY: AMMON, A GREAT SERVANT in the Book of Mormon Quiz Bee deck/game. This is great to read the story and quiz children with questions and answers (28 stories included). Click HERE to order from or visit your nearby bookstore.

THOUGHT TREAT #1: Door-to-Door Trail Mix. Healthy fruits, cereal, seeds, and nuts make a quick snack for Ammon as he tends King Lamoni’s sheep or for today’s missionary “tract”ing door to door. As you eat, talk about ways you could tell others about Jesus Christ.

THOUGHT TREAT: CTR-A Lesson 11, First Mission Call - Follow Me, and I will make you fishers of men, gospelgrabbagTHOUGHT TREAT #2: Click to print: TREAT BAG LABEL (load bag with fish crackers or gummy fish and attach note) For Primary CTR-A Lesson 11 – 1st MISSION CALL – Text reads: 1st MISSION CALL: Jesus said, “Follow Me, and I will make you fishers of men.” (Matt 4:18-22)

VIDEO IF FIRST MISSION CALL: Show the following video that shows Jesus calling His disciples to be missionaries.

MISSIONARY WORK Lesson Lifesaver Activity – I Can Tell Others about Jesus Christ: Ammon the Missionary “script”ure scene – Primary lesson helps – Come Follow Me

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