YOUTH ACTIVITY. HEALTHFUL FOOD refrigerator magnets. With these fruit and veggie quotes, youth can be reminded to grab the goodies (food that is good for them) rather than the baddies (foods that are against the Word of Wisdom or foods with low nutrition that can cause weight gain and malnutrition. Have some sample goodies to taste.

Healthful Food Refrigerator Magnets

GREAT FOR CHILDREN & YOUTH: Primary, family home evening, Sunday School, Seminary

Healthful Food Refrigerator Magnets

Magnets help remind youth to care about their body with fruit quote motivational signs, e.g., on the turnip, “Don’t turnip your nose at vegetables!” They also remind them of God’s eatable creations to be thankful for.

$1.75 LESSON LIFESAVER Activity for Come Follow Me – Young Women or Teens, family home evening, Sunday School, Seminary, LDS printables to download
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Tell youth that good nutrition is part of keeping the Word of Wisdom. If we can concentrate on high-nutrition rather than low-nutrition foods, we will be blessed, as this commandment is revealed in D&C 89:18‒21. 

TO MAKE Print, cut out, and laminate visuals. Glue magnets on the back to post on the refrigerator as healthy reminders.

THOUGHT TREAT #1: High- and Low-Nutritional Food. Offer two: (1) low-calorie high-nutrition food, e.g., celery and an apple, and (2) high-calorie low-nutrition item, e.g., cupcake. Compare the difference in nutrients and the difference in the energy each will provide.

THOUGHT TREAT #2: Serve some seeds, corn, grains, nuts, fruit, vegetables, whole grain muffins, or cornbread with honey. Have a discussion about the benefits of each.

Mutual Night Activities - Come Follow Me, Young Women, Lesson Activities, Young Adult Activities, GospelGrabBag.comMUTUAL NIGHT, SUNDAY SCHOOL, SEMINARY, FAMILY HOME EVENING ACTIVITIES

PLANT SOME NUTRITIONAL IDEAS: Show real plants or drawings of (1) a plant that has had little water, little sunlight, and no fertilizer; and (2) a plant that is healthy because of water, sunlight, fertilizer, etc. Explain that we are made of the same molecules and that our body requires certain nutrients to retain health. Some foods are poison to our bodies and some foods are medicine to our bodies. You can see people who are not caring for themselves properly and those who are. Some people look tired and pale, while others look bright and energetic! Talk about the story of Daniel as a youth in the king’s court (Daniel 1:8‒16). Explain that in verse 12 “pulse to eat” means foods made of seeds, grains, etc.; see also Mosiah 9:8‒9; and D&C 89:14. Talk about the role of protein, carbohydrates, and fats. Note that the body needs balance.

VITAMIN VISIT TO THE LIBRARY: Take youth to the library to look at diet and nutrition books and cookbooks. Have them photocopy a short piece to share with the others. Have each youth share her discoveries about healthful, vitamin-rich foods and how they will help their body. Encourage them to copy at least one healthful recipe they wish to prepare for their family.
• Healthful Food Tasting Table: Have youth bring a healthful dish to sample along with copies of recipes. Be sure they sign their name on the recipe.
• Snack Attack Cures: Have youth share ideas for their favorite healthful snacks. Have them tell why this snack is good for them (e.g., an apple is eighty-five percent water and high in fiber [“nature’s scrub brush”], and celery calms the nerves.

HEALTH FOOD STORE TOUR: Have a guide walk you through a health food store or health-food section of grocery story to spot food, herbs, and books.

MORE LESSON IDEAS – Visit and type in WORD OF WISDOM in the SEARCH. 

Living the Word of Wisdom (Priesthood lesson)

Nutrition for the Family (Relief Society lesson)

Vaping, Coffee, Tea, and Marijuana

Source YW1.38


November: “Spiritual and Temporal Self-Reliance”

Word of Wisdom – Health and Nutrition: LDS Lesson Activities – Healthful Food Refrigerator Magnets – “Why does the Lord want me to be healthy?”

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